Monday, June 16, 2008


The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION supplies information about the program to the programmer and the compiler.

Most entries in the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION are directed at the programmer. The compiler treats them as comments.

The PROGRAM-ID clause is an exception to this rule. Every COBOL program must have a PROGRAM-ID because the name specified after this clause is used by the linker when linking a number of subprograms into one run unit, and by the CALL statement when transferring control to a subprogram.

The IDENTIFICATION DIVISION has the following structure:

PROGRAM-ID. NameOfProgram.
[AUTHOR. YourName.]
other entries here

The keywords - IDENTIFICATION DIVISION - represent the division header, and signal the commencement of the program text.

PROGRAM-ID is a paragraph name that must be specified immediately after the division header.

NameOfProgram is a name devised by the programmer, and must satisfy the rules for user-defined names.

Here's a typical program fragment:

PROGRAM-ID. SequenceProgram.
AUTHOR. Michael Coughlan.

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